Welcome to the largest, friendliest (and only) weekly WEST COAST SWING dance in New York City!
You Should Be Dancing! Studios
412 8th Ave, 4th Fl. (betw 30 & 31 St)
(1/2 block south of NY Penn Station)
You Should Be Dancing! Studios
412 8th Ave, 4th Fl. (betw 30 & 31 St)
(1/2 block south of NY Penn Station)
SPECIAL ANNOUNCENT! "Soft" Re-Opening! •••just wishing & hoping ••• NOTHING IS HAPPENING YET! •••
BEGINNING [some soon date maybe] 2021
We are going to try a "soft" re-opening of WESTIE CAFE on Thursday evenings! Because the COVID-19 emergency is still ongoing, we unfortunately need to impose some very strict limits, no exceptions:
• 30 people maximum
• You must SUBMIT PHOTO PROOF IN ADVANCE: Both sides of your vaccination card. Use form below.
• You must PRE-REGISTER and PRE-PAY ONLINE IN ADVANCE. Use form below.
• Everything MUST be done online in advance. Absolutely no at-the-door payments / admissions / photo-proofs.
• MASKS: Policy TBA
* (Landlord requirement. With our apologies to those who do not yet meet this condition — we hope to see you as soon as conditions allow!)
We are going to try a "soft" re-opening of WESTIE CAFE on Thursday evenings! Because the COVID-19 emergency is still ongoing, we unfortunately need to impose some very strict limits, no exceptions:
• 30 people maximum
• You must SUBMIT PHOTO PROOF IN ADVANCE: Both sides of your vaccination card. Use form below.
• You must PRE-REGISTER and PRE-PAY ONLINE IN ADVANCE. Use form below.
• Everything MUST be done online in advance. Absolutely no at-the-door payments / admissions / photo-proofs.
• MASKS: Policy TBA
* (Landlord requirement. With our apologies to those who do not yet meet this condition — we hope to see you as soon as conditions allow!)
0 Pre-Registered … 30 Available
~ countdown is updated manually, so possibly behind a little ~
0 Pre-Registered … 30 Available
~ countdown is updated manually, so possibly behind a little ~
We look forward to seeing you at You Should Be Dancing...! Studio's WESTIE CAFE, New York City's biggest, best, friendliest (and only) weekly West Coast Swing (WCS) dance! Always 2 different DJ's per night, who play a mix of R&B/Blues and Contemporary, with lots of R&B/Blues flavor during the first half, slowly shifting to mostly Contemporary during the later half.*
*About 4 times per year, we have special DJs, so the mix might be excitingly different those nights.
The crowd is very friendly, non-cliquish, and literally everyone dances with everyone. A surprisingly even spread of all ages from 20s and 30s through 60s. Also a surprisingly even spread of skill levels from absolute beginners through WSDC Intermediate, Advanced, and All Stars.
Excellent sprung hardwood floor, superb sound system, decent A/C, free water and snacks.
$15 – online pre-payment required – during our "soft" re-opening during the pandemic.
• SuperDancer punch cards are on "pause" (not usable) during our "Soft Re-Opening" period.
• Please do not arrive early! YSBD Studio has less space than before, and there is literally no waiting area.
Come on in! We look forward to seeing you!
*About 4 times per year, we have special DJs, so the mix might be excitingly different those nights.
The crowd is very friendly, non-cliquish, and literally everyone dances with everyone. A surprisingly even spread of all ages from 20s and 30s through 60s. Also a surprisingly even spread of skill levels from absolute beginners through WSDC Intermediate, Advanced, and All Stars.
Excellent sprung hardwood floor, superb sound system, decent A/C, free water and snacks.
$15 – online pre-payment required – during our "soft" re-opening during the pandemic.
• SuperDancer punch cards are on "pause" (not usable) during our "Soft Re-Opening" period.
• Please do not arrive early! YSBD Studio has less space than before, and there is literally no waiting area.
Come on in! We look forward to seeing you!
Part 2: Pre-Pay
Because of the strict limits, no refunds or exchanges, sorry. You may transfer to another person, but they MUST submit their name and their photos proof of fully vaccinated, in advance, via the form on this page, and reference whose ticket they are using.
Thank you! We look forward to seeing you!
If you have any interesting questions or concerns, please contact us via the form below.
(Note that we will NOT entertain any discussions about COVID-19 restrictions. Our policies are our policies, largely determined by our landlord's requirements and lots of discussions. We will adjust them as circumstances warrant.)
(Note that we will NOT entertain any discussions about COVID-19 restrictions. Our policies are our policies, largely determined by our landlord's requirements and lots of discussions. We will adjust them as circumstances warrant.)