Finally! A consolidated, unbiased, inclusive calendar for all West Coast Swing in New York City! All listing are directly maintained by their respective hosts — so if something is wrong or missing, talk directly to them! (Ken and Paula maintain the backend, but we are not responsible for other folks' listings!)
• Social dances (parties) are in ALL CAPS, LIKE THIS.
• Learning opportunities (classes & workshops) are in normal not-all-caps type style, like this.
• You can view ALL, or just Social Dances (Parties), or just Classes & Workshops. Happy dancing!
• A different color usually means a different host.
NOTE: If you run WCS dances, classes or workshops in NYC, please click the "(Admin)" button above, to learn how to list your stuff!
• Social dances (parties) are in ALL CAPS, LIKE THIS.
• Learning opportunities (classes & workshops) are in normal not-all-caps type style, like this.
• You can view ALL, or just Social Dances (Parties), or just Classes & Workshops. Happy dancing!
• A different color usually means a different host.
NOTE: If you run WCS dances, classes or workshops in NYC, please click the "(Admin)" button above, to learn how to list your stuff!